Interview: Hilda Matarira (Zimbawe)

Interview about Ebola Virus in Africa.


Hilda Tendisa Marima-Matarira. University of Zimbabwe, Harare.

Secretary of the African Federation ogf Clinical Chemistry (AFCC)

Chemical Pathologist, National Health Laboratories, Harare and Parirenyatwa Hospitals Chemical Pathologist, University of Zimbabwe, College of Health Sciences (UZCHS);
coordinated the Development of a Unit of Immunology which developed into a new Department of Immunology in UZCHS, Developed the Zimbabwe External Quality Assurance Programme which later transformed into the Zimbabwe National Quality Assurance Programme where 138 Public and Private Clinical Laboratories are regularly monitored.

Interview about Ebola Virus in Africa

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Next African Federation of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine (2014/07/23) 

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