#2016AACC Direct Mass Spectrometric Profiling of Biological Tissues


Prof. Zoltan Takats, PhD. Professor of Analytical Chemistry, Imperial College, London

Virginia LiVolsi, MD. University of Pennsylvania, Perelman School of Medicine

This lecture discusses the use of direct mass spectrometric profiling of biological tissues. One example is the “intelligent knife” technology, in which smoke collected during surgery performed using electrosurgical knives is Virginia Lavolsi analyzed by a mass spectrometer. This technology provides rapid diagnostic information to surgeons, such as during tumor resection.

Professor Zoltan Takats is a pioneer in the field of ambient mass spectrometry and its application to clinical specimens near the surgical suite. He is the primary inventor of six mass spectrometric ionization techniques. With the invention of the intelligent knife, mass spectrometry is now being brought directly to patients undergoing surgery. His laboratory continues to investigate the application of this technology to other important clinical questions, including those in the microbiology laboratory. Professor Takats  explores the clinical implications and future developments of this technology.

As part of the session, an experienced anatomic pathologist, Dr. Virginia LiVolsi from the Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania, gives her view of the technology and participate in the post-lecture Q&A.

Read the CLN Daily article: Going Under a Sharper Knife

Source: AACC