1st World Sepsis Congress: completely online and free


The 1st World Sepsis Congress will take place completely online on September 8th and 9th, 2016, as a prelude and introduction to the fifth World Sepsis Day on September 13th, 2016.

Participation is open to everyone with an internet connection and free of charge.

In 13 distinctive sessions, over 70 speakers from over 20 countries will give 10-minute keynotes and presentations on the number one preventable cause of death worldwide: sepsis. After each talk, the speakers will answer live questions from the audience.

Highlights include the Opening Session, titled “Sepsis – A Global Health Threat”, with German Minister Helge Braun, Marie-Paule Kieny, Assistant Director-General of the WHO, Achim Steiner, former Under-Secretary General UN and Director of UNEP, and Joe Kiani, Founder & CEO of the Patient Safety Movement Foundation.


No more information is available on infobioquimica.org. For further requests, you can contact the organizers of the event.