Diagnosing, monitoring plasma cell disorders

Comprehensive Assessment of M-Proteins Using Nanobody Enrichment Coupled to MALDI-TOF Mass Spectrometry.


Electrophoretic separation of serum and urine proteins has played a central role in diagnosing and monitoring plasma cell disorders. Despite limitations in resolution and analytical sensitivity, plus the necessity for adjunct methods, protein gel electrophoresis and immunofixation electrophoresis (IFE) remain front-line tests.

MASS-FIX detected all M-proteins that were detectable by urine or serum protein electrophoresis. In serial dilution studies, MASS-FIX was more analytically sensitive than IFE. For patient samples, MASS-FIX provided the same primary isotype information for 98% of serum M-proteins (n = 152) and 95% of urine M-proteins (n = 55). MASS-FIX accurately quantified M-protein to <1 g/dL, with reduced bias as compared to protein electrophoresis. Intraassay and interassay CVs were <20% across all samples having M-protein concentrations >0.045 g/dL, with the ability to detect M-proteins <0.01 g/dL. In addition, MASS-FIX could simultaneously measure κ:λ light chain ratios for IgG, IgA, and IgM. Retrospective serial monitoring of patients with myeloma posttreatment demonstrated that MASS-FIX provided equivalent quantitative information to either protein electrophoresis or the Hevylite assay.

Author: John R. Mills, Mindy C. Kohlhagen, Surendra Dasari, Patrick M. Vanderboom, Robert A. Kyle, Jerry A. Katzmann, Maria A.V. Willrich, David R. Barnidge, Angela Dispenzieri, David L. Murray. DOI: 10.1373/clinchem.2015.253740 Published September 2016

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Source: Clinical Chemistry