Point-of-care mobile digital microscopy for the most common helminth eggs

Low-cost, point-of-care imaging devices show potential in the diagnosis of these diseases.

MoMic digital microscope scanner (1) with external motor unit attached (2). The microscope glass (3) is placed in the slide holder (4), which is placed in the microscope and navigated from the motor unit. The device is connected to and operated from a laptop computer (5) running software (6) for operation of the device.

Microscopy remains the gold standard in the diagnosis of neglected tropical diseases. As resource limited, rural areas often lack laboratory equipment and trained personnel, new diagnostic techniques are needed. Low-cost, point-of-care imaging devices show potential in the diagnosis of these diseases. Novel, digital image analysis algorithms can be utilized to automate sample analysis.

Authors: Oscar Holmström , Nina Linder, Billy Ngasala, Andreas Mårtensson, Ewert
Linder, Mikael Lundin, Hannu Moilanen, Antti Suutala, Vinod Diwan & Johan

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