The accurate diagnosis of von Willebrand disease (VWD)

The accurate diagnosis of von Willebrand disease (VWD) is critical to the best management of each patient.


Two new World Federation of Hemophilia (WFH) articles explore the latest laboratory approaches to VWD diagnosis: phenotypic (observed traits) and genotypic (genetic analysis).

Together these approaches help ensure an accurate diagnosis which is essential to optimal management.

Diagnosis of von Willebrand Disease: Phenotypic Characterization

The accurate diagnosis of von Willebrand disease (VWD) is crucial to its management. This resource describes laboratory tests based on the observable traits, or phenotype, of a person with bleeding symptoms and a positive family bleeding history that can be used to determine the specific type and variant of VWD. The companion monograph, TOH 56 Molecular Diagnosis of von Willebrand Disease, provides a detailed review of the genotypic approach to diagnosing VWD.

Year: 2017

Language: English

Author(s): Luciano Baronciani, Francesca Stufano, Flora Peyvandi

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Molecular Diagnosis of von Willebrand Disease

The accurate diagnosis of von Willebrand disease (VWD) is crucial to its management. This resource describes the techniques used to determine the genetic nature, or genotype, of a suspected case of VWD. The companion monograph, TOH 55 Diagnosis of von Willebrand Disease: Phenotypic Characterization, provides a detailed review of the laboratory tests that can be used to diagnose VWD type and variant.

Year: 2017

Language: English

Author(s): Luciano Baronciani, Anne Goodeve, Flora Peyvandi

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