National ZACBLM Symposium

10th December 2016


10th December 2016

Integrating Maternal, Mental, Infant, Reproductive and Nutrition Health in Evidence Based, P4 (Personalised, Preventative, Predictive and Participatory) Medicine.

Laboratory Medicine has a central and important role to play to integrate the prevention, detection, diagnosis and management of mental health in reproductive, nutritional and other clinical care disciplines besides psychiatry which takes care of an estimated 20% of mental health burden.

The Zimbabwe Association of Clinical Biochemistry and Laboratory Medicine (ZACB) in Association with the University of Zimbabwe College of Health Sciences (UZ CHS) Department Chemical Pathology and the Medical Laboratory and Clinical Scientists Council of Zimbabwe will be running monthly Symposia in preparation to welcome a historic World Conference ZACBLM lobbied and attracted to Africa for the first time. This is IFCC WorldLab Durban S.A. 19-25th October 2017. There will be pre Conference on Paediatric Laboratory Medicine up to 22nd October to be followed by the main Conference.



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