Interview: Dr. Patrick R. Murray (USA)

Interview about mass spectrometry in microbiology.


Dr. Patrick R. Murray, Ph.D has been a Worldwide Director of Scientific Affairs For Diagnostic Systems at GeneOhm Sciences Canada Inc., July 7, 2011. Dr. Murray serves as Chief of Microbiology Service Department of Laboratory Medicine at (NIH) National Institutes of Health Clinical Center. While at NIH, Dr. Murray oversaw the clinical and research programs in Microbiology as well as postdoctoral training of Ph.D. and M.D. microbiology and infectious disease fellows. He received the NIH Clinical Center Director’s Award for Patient Care and the NIH Director’s Award for Clinical Research. Prior to NIH, Dr. Murray served as a Professor and Head of Clinical Microbiology at the University of Maryland Medical Center and as Professor in the Department of Medicine & Pathology at Washington University in Saint Louis. He served as a Member of Scientific Advisory Board at Cepheid since September 12, 2007. He holds a Ph.D. in Microbiology from UCLA and Postgraduate Training in Clinical Microbiology at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, MN.

Interview about mass spectrometry in microbiology.

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