Journal of Negative Results in BioMedicine

An open access, peer reviewed journal.


Journal of Negative Results in BioMedicine is an open access, peer reviewed journal that  provides a platform for the publication and discussion of non-confirmatory and “negative” data, as well as unexpected, controversial and provocative results in the context of current tenets.

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About the Editor

Bjorn R. Olsen, Editor-in-Chief

Bjorn Olsen is Professor of Developmental Biology at Harvard School of Dental Medicine and the Dean for Research at Harvard School of Dental Medicine.

“This is an exciting time for research in the life sciences. Major discoveries providing deep insights into disease mechanisms and the basis for preventive, diagnostic and therapeutic strategies are coming at a fast and furious pace. Problems that only a few years ago were beyond technical limits, can now be successfully addressed and ‘old’ questions can be re-examined with increasingly powerful methods. Open access journals provide the ideal environment for the rapid dissemination and discussion of all aspects of the results of this research.”
